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Out For A Swing [05 Feb 2010|10:34pm]
John "Jack" Smith... well, he was pretty sure that was his name. It was one of the things he know; one of the very few specific things he knew. He could fill out crossword puzzles, he could set a table, he could tie his shoes, he could tell time, he knew what times of day were harder to hail a cab, but nothing specific. There was no personal history in his head.

Of course, right now he was a little more concerned with the fact that he'd just flung someone across a room, pulled a costume from out of nowhere, and now was flying across down on lines he shot out of his arms. Normal people don't do this! Not even amnesiac normal people!

The fact that his instincts are telling him this is supposed to be happening is what freaked him out more than anything else.

He could tell he was supposed to be doing something, but what was it?

And why were all these people yelling 'Hey! Spidey!' at him?

Read more... )

(joint-posted with permission from Beth)

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Out For A Swing [04 Feb 2010|10:43pm]
John "Jack" Smith... well, he was pretty sure that was his name. It was one of the things he know; one of the very few specific things he knew. He could fill out crossword puzzles, he could set a table, he could tie his shoes, he could tell time, he knew what times of day were harder to hail a cab, but nothing specific. There was no personal history in his head.

Of course, right now he was a little more concerned with the fact that he'd just flung someone across a room, pulled a costume from out of nowhere, and now was flying across down on lines he shot out of his arms. Normal people don't do this! Not even amnesiac normal people!

The fact that his instincts are telling him this is supposed to be happening is what freaked him out more than anything else.

He could tell he was supposed to be doing something, but what was it?

And why were all these people yelling 'Hey! Spidey!' at him?

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