Tenten [ テンテン ]
29 September 2009 @ 07:04 pm
ICP 06. Somethings you just don't question...  
You meet interesting people every day. Or at least I do. That's... really nothing new, I guess. Especially since I work in a cafe. That's... kind of a very public forum. Most of the time it's nothing special. Customer comes in, orders whatever, and moves on so the next person can do the same. Sometimes you never see them again. Sometimes they come back.

But sometimes life enjoys giving you that little surprise to keep you on your toes...

...Perhaps I truly am a student of my studies.

I received a call from the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space today. Not sure what they wanted. Was at work and couldn't answer. But I'll admit. It's caught my attention. I wonder if this has anything to do with their Christmas Program last year and the part I played in it.

PS. Welcome to Tokyo, Hinata. I hope we didn't scare you too much.
Disposition: contemplative
Tenten [ テンテン ]
15 September 2009 @ 08:16 am
ICP 05. The miles are getting longer, it seems...  
Interesting first week back. But for the most part, I'm not complaining. They had a good selection of History courses this semester, and it was hard to keep from wanting to just take them all. Although I guess I need to start loading up a bit more on my Philosophy to even things out. Maybe next term. Yeah. Sure. Next term.

And with a new term, we have a new schedule. For everything. Since a majority of my courses are in the morning, Tochiro's taken it upon himself to give me the early afternoon and late evening shifts til closing before and after volleyball practice. In addition to a the morning shift on Saturday since I can't come in Wednesday afternoons. Looks like I'll have to start bringing my work clothes to school. Or at least start wearing them to school. Go figure.

Well... I've had worse before.

Only thing is, I don't like leaving Itoshii home alone for so long. Saturday morning's fine, I guess. But with school in the morning and work and/or practice in the afternoons, I can't just leave her home all day by herself. So I think I might have to start bringing her to work with me in a cat carrier or something. The hours I'm working are really only busy between four to maybe seven? Eight at the latest? The rest of the time... well, I guess she can keep me company in between customers.

So if you guys wanna play with the baby, you know where to find her~

[[ OoC: Oh, god. I do bad... baaad things when I'm sleep deprived. x___x ]]
Current Location: Apartment
Disposition: cheerful
Jammin' to: Home - Daughtry
Tenten [ テンテン ]
28 August 2009 @ 10:04 am
ICP 04. She works hard for the money...  
Geez, and I thought March was a busy month.

Things are coming down to the wire with the expo and all the preparations. Apparently invitations to specific dojos weren't sent out in advance as planned and I had to spend all of last week making up for that inconvenience the mistakes of others. In between the volleyball bootcamp from hell someone's got a stick up their ass this year and work, might I add.

Conclusion? Tired Tenny is tired. As much as I actually enjoy watching the demos and all of the students interacting, I'll be glad when the whole thing is over. It'll be a nice end to the summer, that's for sure.

Speaking of which... I still need to pick up my schedule...

In any case, if you haven't seen the note posted on the bulletin:

I'll be participating in the Archery and Kenjutsu (possibly Aikido if sensei can't find a substitute) demos if anyone's looking for me. Times are shitty a little sketchy, but I'm pretty sure they can't get worse I'll be at the park all day.
Current Location: Cafe, on break
Disposition: working
Jammin' to: Santa Fe - RENT
Tenten [ テンテン ]
18 August 2009 @ 10:54 am
ICP 03. Wipe your hands, shake it off, then you stand...  
[[ OoC: Before I get nudged to post again... ]]


That is the last time I agree to help out a new student at the dojo. Kid didn't know what he was doing and just started flailing around. Wouldn't even listen when I tried explaining techniques to him either. It's a good thing I had enough sense to at least give him a wooden sword instead of a real one. Ugh, next time sensei asks me to help out, I'm demanding he give me at least an intermediate student.

Meh, well... I guess I'm no worse for the wear. A little bloodied, but nothing that hasn't happened before.

...No wonder Shikamaru thinks I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. 8|

Also, baby update for Papa Naruto... )

Nothing new with volleyball boot camp practice. Or with the cafe. Although, Tochiro did give me a few extra shifts to make up for the time I'll lose when I start school again. Such a considerate guy, really. But I guess I owe him one. And more work means more money. So, at least I know I'll be able to make rent this month. Speaking of which, my next shift starts in half an hour...

PS. I'll stop by soon, Keebs. Help is on the way!
Current Location: Apartment
Disposition: annoyed
Tenten [ テンテン ]
03 August 2009 @ 11:25 am
ICP 02. It’s like I want to hear a silent sound...  
It's that time again. Or at least it will be pretty soon.

I always know when the new school year is about to start whether I want to or not. Because coach always thinks it productive and useful to hold a boot camp for her players a month or so in advance. 'To get a jump on the competition,' she says. Not that there aren't benefits to extra Volleyball training and practice before tryouts are held, but couldn't she have at least waited another week before ruining summer for us? Guess not.

Oh well, guess I'll just have to figure out ways to enjoy what's left of the break.

Speaking of which... I think it's time to put Operation Save the Pup into play...

[PRIVATE] And I don't mean Akamaru... )

[[ OoC: THERE. A POST. 8| ...♥ ]]
Disposition: determined
Tenten [ テンテン ]
16 July 2009 @ 07:02 pm
[ Event 01 ] The gift of giving...  
Early Friday morning two weeks late, but hey, it still got to him the following will be found on Neji's doorstep:

And inside is... )

Insert appropriate note inside (use your imagination?).
Disposition: thoughtful
Tenten [ テンテン ]
14 July 2009 @ 04:59 pm
ICP 01. Been far away for far too long...  
A month in China? Really? Don't you think it would've been convenient to tell me that before I came to help out with the restaurant? Honestly, Uncle Katsuro...

No wonder he told me to bring Itoshii with me. I'd hate to think what would've happened if I had just left her behind...

SO, anyways! After a long and unexpected leave of absence... I'm back! Tired and with a hint of noodles, but back. And the first order of business goes to Neji. I'm sorry I missed your birthday. BUT you'll be happy to know that I did manage to pick up something for you while I was away~ Expect it to pop up on your doorstep in a box sometime before the end of the week... as soon as I generate enough energy to wrap it up and send it your way.

Speaking of which, what in the world happened to my apartment? I thought I told you guys to stay out of trouble while I was gone. You know who I'm talking to. 8/

Meanwhile, I'll be returning to my barista duties on Thursday. I think after my not-so-vacation, a day of rest is in order. Which means... Keebs? Naruto? Your muffins will be waiting for you when you come in for lunch.
Disposition: exhausted
Tenten [ テンテン ]
15 May 2009 @ 11:25 am
OOCP 01. It's time to trust my instincts...  
NOTE: Subject to slight and small changes from original application.

Character's Name: Tenten
Character's Age: 20
Character's Model: Mika Nakashima
Year in School: Junior
Major / Minor: History and Philosophy Major / Creative Writing Minor
Clubs / Activities / Job?: Clubs: Archery (Kyuudo), Kendo
Activities: Volleyball, Martial Arts
Job: Full-time waitress at the Far and Wide Cafe

History / Biography:

Originating from a middle-class background... )

Third person writing sample:

Thin fingers glided over black and white keys... )

Other Notes: Um...not at the moment.
♦ Has a tattoo of her name written in Elvish just above her left shoulder blade
♦ Will eventually get another tattoo of a scarab beetle to represent a sort of transformation/transition in her life; it's location and existence currently remains a secret
♦ Took art, photography, and drama in high school
♦ Used to tutor in Math during high school
♦ Occasionally auditions to play accompaniment for university and/or local theatre productions, mostly during the winter and summer months
♦ Has been scrapbooking since she was little and has a fairly impressive collection of memories in them
♦ Is very sensitive around the general neck area and, in turn, typically enjoys nomming on that particular region when in a relationship
♦ Has a fairly good collection of weapons and an equally impressive library of books, both of which she views as a lingering influence from her parents and who they were
♦ Carries around an old and worn stack of tarot cards with her at all times
♦ Keeps a specially crafted knife on display in her bedroom that was made by her dad when she was about nine; has a jade and steel handle, although Shirou told her that it was dragon bone, and she totally still believes it is although not really, but she likes to believe it is from time to time
♦ Used to have a grey cat named Nezumi when she was little that originally belonged to her mother; it died when Tenten started attending Konoha no Gakuen Boarding School. Although she still has its collar and keeps it right next to her father's blade.
Any Questions: Nopers~