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Original Fools

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Trish : [07 May 2013|06:20pm]
Tuesday night Tini's. My treat this time.
Classy drinks for classy ladies and their silly man-dates.

EDIT: And poo, my silly man-date just called to cancel. Oh well, Nikki and I will be having tini's reguardless.
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Anton : [07 May 2013|06:15pm]
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Trish : [26 Apr 2013|07:15am]
Time to toss aside the pity-party. Trishy-Poo has herself another man crush. I am going to need a rather large ice coffee with plenty of sugar, ASAP. Not only am I referring to myself in the 3rd person, I just called myself Trishy-Poo.
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Anton : [26 Apr 2013|06:38am]
Life Hack:
Wish on a star that you'll die and tell someone your wish.
Then is won't come true. BOOM!
Now you're immortal.
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Kevin : [26 Apr 2013|06:24am]
I haven't been awake this early in ages. I should go back to bed before Nicholas starts worrying.
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Jonathan : [friends locked] [11 Apr 2013|12:43am]
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Hedwig : [11 Apr 2013|12:43am]
It's been a long while since I've felt all grumpy meatball.
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Kevin : [11 Apr 2013|12:42am]
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Eirik : [11 Apr 2013|12:41am]
Two weeks until I get back into the studio. I'll be there for about a month, then it's off to Norway with the family to see Mom.
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Emily : [11 Apr 2013|12:40am]
[ mood | bitchy ]

You you you outta know...

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Missy : [11 Apr 2013|12:39am]
*ding ding ding* Normality reached.
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Chris : [11 Apr 2013|12:38am]
Missing my Jimmy Jim while he's away in Florida for the week. I'll have him back Saturday. It can't come quickly enough.
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Nikki : [11 Apr 2013|12:37am]
Kids have me addicted to Just Dance 4. I think I enjoy playing more than they do.
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Brody : [11 Apr 2013|12:36am]
Dinner with Mom and Dad this weekend. Ugh. If it wasn't just to keep my future inheritance, I wouldn't be going. I hate them.
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Takuma : [11 Apr 2013|12:35am]
Two new boutiques picked up my line. I should look into getting office space. My work piles up in the sewing room at home.
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Breton : [11 Apr 2013|12:34am]
Two months and I still miss Jolly.
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Anton : [11 Apr 2013|12:33am]
Can I be the best man for two of my buddies at the same wedding? I mean, is that possible?
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Trish : [11 Apr 2013|12:32am]
Back to life as a single lady... I should just become a nun. Boys suck and I've yet to find the fabled MAN out there.
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Jimmy : [17 Jul 2012|08:55pm]
Fuck this heat. I'm over it.
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Brody : [09 Jul 2012|01:24pm]
So I had this dream where a fucking cat put its fucking claws a good half inch into my back... oww.
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