oxton anon's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
oxton anon

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rules, motherfucker. can you follow them? [26 Aug 2021|11:03pm]
positive only anon journal for oxton!

0. this is OOC. [info]oxton is a) negativity fueled, and b) IC. just like the IC/OOC line, please don't mix up the journals. ty!

1. this is a POSITIVE only journal. if you need to be a jerk, go find biganons or whatever. don't harass, complain, belittle, degrade, insult, etc, etc. this includes writers, characters, the mods, plot points, ships, etc. none of those are allowed. stop before you post and ASK YOURSELF if the person it refers to could possibly be upset after reading if. if the answer is yes, don't post it here. i can and will delete this for asshattery.

2. as for what is allowed: positive call outs (i.e, ~landonk, i loved your narrative or ~avde, your post was hilarious!), memes of all kinds, ooc chatter about what sls we're following, asking for help with html or coding, or whatever else as long as it's not calling people out in a nasty way or trolling.

3. this post will serve as a dropbox. if you see ANYTHING you think warrants deleting, link to it and i'll delete asap! thank you! happy nonn'ing, nonnies!

here be some helpful links!

2 comments|post comment

[19 Oct 2020|06:06pm]

usual rules apply. if you can't say anything nice then stay out!
296 comments|post comment

[26 Aug 2011|11:10pm]
1324 comments|post comment

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