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A Cult in the Closet -- Test Scene [04 Dec 2012|04:27pm]
Africa wasn't exactly the last place Akilah figured the Cult of Cthon would put down some roots, but considering she hadn't made her presence unknown...

More ironically, they'd settled down in a village in Kenya.  Akilah stalked the outskirts of the village, waiting until the right opportunity came to infiltrate.  Knowing the CoC, they'd already sensed her presence and were waiting for her to enter.  But the Tarot Cards had given her a heads up on the possibility for backup.
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MUNROE, akilah [23 Sep 2012|12:50pm]
Player: Paul
E-Mail: on file
AIM: on file

Character Name
: Akilah Munroe
Character LJ: pantha_gal
Physical Description:  White hair, blue eyes (black and brown when covered by magic).
Age: Twenty One
Birthday:  September 2
PB:  Laya Lewis

White Magic:  Akilah has fully embraced the magic running through her mother's side of the family.  She is capable of various feats, including energy projection, invisibility, shield generation, illusion casting, teleportation, summoning Ammut, telekinesis and telepathy, and the ability to call upon the the powers of the Vishanti (among other feats).

Akilah is also incredibly intelligent and well versed in using Tarot Cards.

Weaknesses and Flaws:
Although Akilah has self-defense training, she is generally completely reliant on her magical abilities.  This makes her almost no threat when shes incapable of using her magic.  She is also no threat when her opponent is immune or highly resistant to magic.

Character Location:  In Transit
Alignment: Hero
Relatives: T'Challa (Father, Alive), Ororo Munroe (Mother, Alive)

Akilah Munroe was raised as the eldest child of T'Challa and Ororo, King and Queen of Wakanda.  Despite her role as the eldest, and as Pricess of Wakanda, Akilah always felt more of a connection to her mother's heritage.  She trained in her magical abilities on her own, until she was approached by a mysterious woman in her dreams.  This woman helped train Akilah in her magic, both in dreams and in reality.  It's later revealed to Akilah that the woman training her is actually Oshtur, a member of the Vishanti and the one responsible for her the magical potential gifted to her mother's side of the family.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game? She's going to be introduced as my independent character with ties to different magical characters in the game.
What are you planning to do with this character? Going to do magic plots and Wakanda plots.  And aim for High Priestess things.  I have no desire to see Akilah trying for Sorceress Supreme, though.
What do you want to see happen with this character?  I want to see her connect with all of the magical characters in the game at some point, and eventually establish herself as High Priestess of the new era of heroes.
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