a torch dragged over one hay bale after another, igniting everything

Beating up the wrong guy.


Edie 1
ocean skies

Beating up the wrong guy.

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Pocahontas 2
I need to look up what rape in a dream means. Lets say I spent most of the morning thinking, unpleasantly, about what happened in my dreams last night. I probably don't need to say who was in the dream, but for the record it was James. Of flipping course.

Adam is feeling quite down today. He said he's afraid of losing me. He's not, of course. I would normally tell him about any upsetting dreams I have, but due to the circumstances of how he's feeling and what my dream consisted of, I don't think I will.

I was at school till 1:30 am working on schoolwork and I'm still not done. My dad is coming into town tomorrow through Sunday, so I won't get a chance to work on it till Monday. How unfortunately stressful. :\
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