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User:sakuradragonfly (13184)
Sakura Dragonfly
a dragonfly among the blossoms
Kalli's Profile


Memories45 entries
Interests:146: alchemy, amulets, angelics, archaeology, asking questions, astrology, astronomy studies, august, autumn colors, balconies, binary star gazing, bioluminescence, blue robes, blueberries, books, bookshops, bryan adams, candles, carvings, celestial magic, cepheid variables, chinese food, chocolate, cloaks, clouds, conjuring, conscious dreaming, constellations, crocodile hunter, crocodiles, crystals, dalamar, deep discussions, deep thoughts, divination, dragonflies, dragonfly wings, dragons, dream interpretation, dreamcatchers, dreams, duality, eclipse, egg foo yung, elements, elven, evening darkness, experimenting, fire, fireflies, flying, forests, full moons, galaxies, gandalf, gazing at the moons, ghost hunters, ghosts, globular clusters, grape soda, green magic, griffins, herbal magic, herblore, horses, internal power, kasiyans, learning new things, legends, lotr, love, lucid dreams, lunar magic, magic, magical realism, miyazaki hayao, moons, moonslight, mozart, music videos, mystics, mythical creatures, mythology, nature, night, nightmares, open clusters, orion nebula, other dimensions, pacing, peter gabriel, philosophy, planetary nebulae, planets, plants, plurality, porch swings, prophetic dreams, pulsars, questioning, reading, reflecting, rituals, ruins, runes, sacred groves, scroll room, scrolls, shamanism, small dogs, snow, snuggling on the sofa, solitude, spells, spirit guides, spirit world, spirits, star parties, starry nights, stars, staying up all night, steve irwin, stone circles, storms, studying, studying magic, surveys, sweet tea, sweets, tea, technomancy, telepathy, telescopes, thinking, thunderstorms, tower, understanding, variable stars, watermelon, weather watching, wind, wings, winter, wrestling, wwe, zodiac
People30:amirah, butterfly_wings, chex_mix, climbingivy, dalamar, debris, endlight, forestoftrees, ilenna, inkoflemon, jellybaby, justmagic, kasiyans, leanne, lion_azure, robyn, romei, sakuradragonfly, sandglass, sanssommeil, scarol, silhouette, spunoutonyou, sukey, suz, tea_time, tej_agni, the_clique, the_lighthouse, thisonething
Communities13:allpaths, anam_cara, dreamwalkers, group_mates, jedi_temple, more_than_one, multiplicity, pretty_pixels, sensitive, silver_wings, teen_hub, the_sanctuary, writers_anon
Mutual Friends:30: amirah, butterfly_wings, chex_mix, climbingivy, dalamar, debris, endlight, forestoftrees, ilenna, inkoflemon, jellybaby, justmagic, kasiyans, leanne, lion_azure, robyn, romei, sakuradragonfly, sandglass, sanssommeil, scarol, silhouette, spunoutonyou, sukey, suz, tea_time, tej_agni, the_clique, the_lighthouse, thisonething
Account type:Special Early Donator Account

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