Melchor Samuel David Ruiz

August 3rd, 2010

Relationships @ 01:25 am


Felix Ruiz was supposed to be a senior this school year but died last summer when the Ruiz family was attacked by a werewolf. Sam and Felix were really close, Felix taught Sam everything he knows about guitar.
Marina Ruiz, 16. Marina and Sam are twins and best friends. Sam doesn't know what he would do without his wild card sister.
Ema Ruiz, 14. Ema is the darling baby of the Ruiz family. She's bubbly, sweet, and full of energy.
Available for play


Abernathy Ford, Rienzi Junior. Fellow mischief maker, fisher, and best friend. The two met when they first started attending CCI when they went down to the river for the fishing, they've been friends ever since and only getting closer. Sam is developing deeper feelings for AB and he's not sure how to approach them. All he knows is that he wouldn't know how to survive in a world without AB.
Bobby Eisley, Sonnier Junior. Best bros. Especially that one time in Cancun...
Keegan Howe, Rienzi Junior. Keegan is an awesome, laid back guy and Sam is definitely interested in starting a band with him. He insists that they will be awesome.
Shelby Ginnish, Rienzi Junior. Buddddddies! They have a lot in common with drumming, skateboarding, and causing shenanigans. They're total bros.
Casey Rycroft, Beauregard Sophomore. He's a super nice guy, Sam definitely promotes mischief and shenanigans with his younger friend.
Ella Parry, Beauregard Junior. Ella is awesome! Another Beauregard cheerleader and twin! He loves her vibrant personality and energy. He loves the Parry twins!
Jenny Parry, Beauregard Junior. Another Beauregard cheerleader and twin! He loves her constant state of cheerfulness and general attitude in life. He loves hanging with the Parry twins!
Frankie Prideux, Sonnier Junior. Frankie is an awesome drummer girl who speaks French! Of course Sam loves to hang out with her.
Mari Parker, Rienzi Junior. Fellow trouble maker and cute girl. Sam got to know her pretty well in detention and loves to hang out and goof around with her. He spends enough time in Rienzi as it is anyways.:)
Sim Buford, Lalaurie Junior. Skating buddy. Sim is a pretty cool kid and it's always more fun to have someone to skate with.
Vinnie Ciccarelli, Beauregard Junior. He's a nice kid and fellow Yankees fan! Of course Sam likes him a lot.
Janis Parke, Beauregard sophomore. Fellow bounce buds! She's awesome!
Brody Rogers, Beauregard Junior. An awesome jam partner, Sam respects her musical opinion and is always ready to listen to her suggestions.
Rowan Cabot, Sonnier Junior. She is a really nice girl who has a lot of interests and strengths in common with Sam. They hang out and make up their own brews and potions.

Significant Others
Past and Present
Sibyl Ballantyne, Sonnier Senior. They dated but things never got terribly serious. Their split was amicable and they still talk.
Ginger McAvery, Lalaurie Junior. Ginge and Sam have a relatively new relationship that came out of nowhere. They are having a great time getting to know each other and going on dates.

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Melchor Samuel David Ruiz