No Tea Within 100ft Of This Journal!

I will spill it, I promise you I will....

November 30th, 2008

-_- @ 08:11 am

Location: Ray's Tower
Mood: disappointed
Music: Black Out - Muse

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Date: November 30th, 2008 08:23 pm (UTC)
Undoubtedly. She said it was because of the weather that we couldn't go. It was sunny this morning.

Then she turned on the news and the weather report sad that we should expect a mix of snow/rain tonight going into early tomorrow.

Um. We're leaving at 7 in the morning arriving at 11am eating for 3 hours and going home.

We'd arrive home at the latest 5:00pm. The storm wouldn't have started until 7 or 8.


No Tea Within 100ft Of This Journal!

I will spill it, I promise you I will....