[cm] boooooooored
Forces' Sweetheart ([info]solpadeine) wrote on August 8th, 2008 at 09:45 pm
Icons: Paul Rudd (71)
More Paul Rudd, still from The Shape of Things. Lots of the chubby-with-glasses section. I show this movie to a lot of different people, just because I like the reactions that the ending gets, and virtually everyone says he is looking unhealthily thin by the end of it. I don't know if that says something about Hollywood and what the people really want, or if it's just a deliberate move by LaBute to show that Rudd's character is being slowly worn down by Weisz's, but I think it's interesting, anyhow. Again, I still have tons of screencaps so there will be more--I like me some Paul.

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