19 Feb 2008|05:08pm
013. 11/11/97
You know how bloody great it is to be feeling better? Blasted cold lasted for like 5 days. Still dunno where the hell I got it but at least its gone now. No more staying in bed. I even managed to make it down to Hogsmeade this weekend for a bit. I would've been pretty damn pissed if I'd missed the entire Hogsmeade weekend because I was bloody sick.

Private to Harry )

Private to Self )

Private to Ginny )

Downside of being sick? (Well, besides the being sick part, naturally.) Missing tons of classes and having to catch up after. I'm drowning in mounds of homework. Stupid bloody essays. I reckon I'll be spending most of tonight catching up on homework and assignments. Oh joy.
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14 Feb 2008|07:42pm
012. 11/06/97
Whoever gave me this fucking cold is going to pay. Been sodding stuck in bed all day long... I feel like shit. Runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache... you name it, I have it. Bloody hell. I feel like a damn hippogriff ran me over, backed up and then ran me over again.

Private to Harry )

Anyone out there willing to give me notes from classes today? Or bring me some chocolate? Thank Merlin my stomach isn't affected. Not being able to eat on top of everything would suck.
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04 Feb 2008|03:55pm
011. 10/27/97
What's all this about doubting that Gryffindor will win the match on Saturday? Rubbish, all of it! Gryffindor is right awesome and we're going to beat the bloody Slytherins to a pulp. How can we not with the amount of training and gruelling practises we've been having? If we're not fit now, we'll never be and I know we are. I have the bruises and aches to prove it. Slytherin winning, HA! BULLOCKS.

So, ball's on Friday, eh? Who's doing the costume thing? Opted for dress robes, myself. Just easier and all that. But I'm curious to see who's going in costumes and what they've chosen to go as. I'd have probably gone as a Chudley Cannons player if Hermione and I I'd decided on a costume. Not sure if I like this mask thing, though. Gonna be a bit odd, isn't it? Not knowing who people are. Though I reckon you'll all be able to tell which one is me... no mistaking my hair, yeah?

Private to Harry and Ginny )
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01 Feb 2008|08:47pm
010. 10/24/97
So, how brilliant was it not having classes today? Seriously. Since when to the professor have an all day staff meeting? Not that I'm complaining, of course. No classes was pretty sodding brilliant. Slept in, no homework. Wicked. And that quidditch match! Absolutely brill!

Private to Harry and Ginny )

I'm in the mood for some sweets and maybe a walk or something. Think I have some of Mum's cookies left in my trunk. And some chocolate frogs. Right, it's decided then. Sweets and walk since I've no homework (wicked feeling, isn't it?) and its the weekend.
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27 Jan 2008|10:20pm
009. 10/20/97
Okay, so, minor dilemna here. I just got a package from Fred and George through owl post. How is this a dilemna, you ask? Three reasons. One: Fred and George never send me packages. Ever. Two: When they do send me packages, they're full of jokes and/or pranks and/or are hexed. Three: Last time I gave them the benefit of the doubt I spent three days speaking with a lisp. Yeah, exactly. They're bloody evil. So, I'm not exactly sure what to do here... it's dangerous opening things from the twins! I am noy going back to that ruddy hospital wing. Maybe I'll have Hermione check it! She'd probably give them the benefit of the doubt though and doesn't really know how they operate.

Should I just open it myself? I could be risking injury. The first time I opened one of their letters on my own I wound up with boils all over my hands with the explanation that they were looking for a test subject for their latest product and thought I'd be willing. Willing my arse. Bloody twins.

Alright, Gin? I'm coming to find you. I think between the two of us we can figure out if this sodding package is dangerous or not. Have your wand ready, yeah? Could explode on us.
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24 Jan 2008|08:29pm
008. 10/17/97
Apparently I've got a knack for catching people mid-snog. No idea why. Was patrolling for prefect duty today and I stumbled across a pair of second years (second years!) snogging in a broom cupboard! Since when do twelve year olds snog like they're twenty years old? Bloody gross. Twelve! They were sodding twelve!

I feel like I'm about to fall over. Every bone in my body aches because of tha gruelling quidditch practise last night. Geez, Harry, you trying to kill us? "Constant vigilance!" You're sounding like Moody! Cut us a bit of a break, yeah? I could barely move when I woke up this morning.

So, ball eh? Coming up. Hermione's my date! Who's doing the costume thing and who's doing the dress robes thing? Going with dress robes, myself. I have a feeling this ball is definitely shaping up to be better than the last.
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20 Jan 2008|10:14pm
007. 10/13/97
So, a ball, eh? Least this one's got the whole costume and mask thing. Might make it interesting. And the weird sisters are playing which is wicked. I reckon this ball will be better than the last one. At least I hope so. Ruddy Krum.

Private to Ginny )

Private to Harry )

Private to Hermione )
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20 Jan 2008|12:01pm
006. 10/12/97
ARGH MY EYES. My poor, precious, unharmed eyes! Why! Why me? Bloody fucking hell. Madam Pince. Library. Filch. KISSING. SODDING KISSING IN THE LIBRARY. Oh gross. Oh sodding gross. Someone distract me please. Make me think of something else. Get that horrible, horrible image out of my head. Please. Give me anything, anything else to think about.

Merlin. I need a bloody drink.
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14 Jan 2008|07:15pm
005. 10/06/97
It's bloody great not to have a broken wrist anymore. Do you know how hard it was to do anything without that hand? Took me hours just to get dressed in the morning! Ruddy annoying, it was. But it's all healed and back to normal now, thank Merlin. Pomfrey said she'd never seen a broken wrist take so long to heal. Apparently I'm a slow healer. Who knew? She gave me this potion to keep in case I feel any discomfort or pain in the wrist but I doubt I'll need it. Feels as good as knew and I was flying the morning and it was fine.

Who else is having an insane amount of trouble with this sodding Potions essay? Really, you'd think that Snape wants us to fail. Probably does, the great greasy git. I keep putting it off thinking I'll be struck with some kind of brilliance but it's due in a few days and I've got nothing. Guess I should buckle down and get working, yeah? Maybe after dinner tonight. Maybe not.
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08 Jan 2008|07:43pm
004. 09/27/97
Bloody fucking hell! In case anyone wonders why I haven't been around all morning it's because I've been in the sodding hospital wing. Pomfrey is getting on my last nerve... no, scratch that, she's already broken my last nerve. Stupid sodding wind knocking me off my sodding broom.

Yeah, so, basically I broke my right wrist. Shattered it, actually. Brilliant. Can't write or anything... even right now I've been dictating to this quill I charmed to write for me. Gets a little irritating having to say what I want to write and don't think it'd work too well in class with all the extra noise around.

Went for a fly this morning before breakfast to clear my head and huge gust of wind comes out of practically nowhere and knocks me right off my broom. Fell right to the ground and landed on my wrist... bent it back it this really horrid angle too. Pretty gross.

Anyway, it's shattered and I've got to stay in the blasted hospital wing all day taking potions every half hour to help mend it and Pomfrey won't even let me leave for meals or anything because she "doesn't want to risk me using my hand". That lady needs a hobby... one that doesn't involve pestering me! Bloody woman's a nightmare.

I'll have to take potions for the next 4-5 days until it heals and I won't be able to take my own notes in class.

Hermione... would you help me out? Take some notes for me? Please?

Private to Bianca )
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