[icon] I've gotta bust you out of here somehow... - Post a comment
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Time:12:56 am
I suppose I could blame the way I feel on the music I listen to and the books I choose to read.
But the honest truth is, this has been a part of me since day one. I felt it on my heart when I was just five years old, just as strongly as I feel it today. My heart is heavier than most. I am not manic depressive or suicidal by any means, but I do feel things far more deeply than others and sometimes that weight will render me useless for days, sometimes weeks, at a time. And listening to Ryan Adams and Damien Rice doesn't increase my pain, it makes me feel understood. It sounds silly, I know, but for me the power of music rests in its ability to reach inside and touch the places where the deepest cuts lie.


I think I found out what's wrong with me. It's just a self-diagnosis, but this describes me to a T.
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[icon] I've gotta bust you out of here somehow... - Post a comment
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