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Ella Parry -
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OOC Information
Player name: Robyn
Player age: 23
Time zone: GMT

Character Information
Full name: Ella Parry
Nick names: Smella
Hometown: Ypsilanti, Michigan
Age and birthday: Seventeen, 14th February 1993
House and year: Quirank Senior
Boggart: Jenny fitting
Riddikulus: A hat and cane appear out of thin air and Jenny starts tap dancing
Patronus and why: Cheetah, a good responder to those in pain.

School Information:

Wand: 7", swishy, Vinewood with Unicorn Hair.
Electives: Advanced Care of Magical Creatures, Music, Magical Botany and Animagus Studies
Extracirriculars: Cheerleading, Choir, Garden Club, Yearbook, Art Club
Strongest subject: Care of Magical Creatures
Weakest subject: Potions
Animagus form: She's still learning but eventually she will take on the form of a stoat. So far she's managed to produce a full tail and a tiny pair of ears.

Family and Relationships
Parents: Biological birthparents unknown, except for heer mother's maiden name of McCarthy. Adoptive parents are Paula and Ron Parry.
Siblings: Jenny Parry, identical twin sister.
Extended Family: None that they know of.
Familiar: A little rescue mutt called Maurey. He's specially trained to sense a seizure and to warn either of the twins.
Sexuality: Straight; never been kissed.

PB: Zoe Kimball
Physical Description: With blonde hair and blue eyes Ella looks the very pinnacle of an all American teen. She wears her hair in a high ponytail mostly all the time, giving her the apperance of a pineapple, but finds it easier with her studies. One thing Ella is never without is a smile. Standing at 5'3 and with a round face, Ella is often mistaken for a freshmen or even younger, though she's learnt to let it slide when people treat her like a child. Besides, the free crayons at diners are a perk!

Years of running, hiking, cheering and dancing have left Ella with a decent body. She is slim but curved and especially loves her legs, which she likes to show off at any opportunity. As such, her fashion leans towards mini skirts and short shorts, with lots of colour and Hello Kitty accessories. Ella has little regard for fashion, choosing whatever she feels like (and skipping any rules about clashing colours in the process). She wears glasses for studying in a variety of gaudy and novelty frames and has her ears pierced twice in each lobe. Thanks to Michiko, Ella has a tattoo on her left butt cheek. It's a small red heart like on the backside of a Care Bear. It's one of the limited ways to tell her and Jenny apart.

Likes: Hello Kitty, Jenny, Professor Knight, animals, vegging out in front on the telly, LOLcats, youtube, waking Jenny and Hendrix up to tell them about funny videos, chicken nuggets, ketchup, rollerskates, cheering, dressing Maurey up, pranking, crumping when no one is watching, cartoons, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Referring to Tatum as her sister-in-law to annoy Jenny.
Dislikes: Bullies, hospitals, people who kill insects, depressing music like Radiohead, Dr. Phil, vegetables, potions, Serious Susans.
Quirks: - Eats chicken nuggets and ketchup almost exclusively
- A night owl. She doesn't go to bed until gone 3 AM but still manages to have enough energy to get up early the next day.
- Talks to every single animal and insect she comes across.
Secrets:- Only joined Choir because of a massive crush on Professor Knight. Only Sunny and Jenny know.
- Spent a whole month of yearbook meetings last year taking pictures of her shoes. Dreading the outcome when the film gets developed.
- Has never kissed a boy. It's just never been the right time.
- Wants to go scuba diving in one of the school lakes.
- Has been keeping a scrapbook or hers and Jenny's life incase they ever track down their birth mother. Not even Jenny knows about it.
Amortentia smells like: Candyfloss, apples and a fresh downpour.
Strengths: Fearless with animals, green-thumbed, positive attitude, healing spells
Weaknesses: Potions (she always gets distracted), too trusting, Jenny
Detailed personality: Ella is a happy-go-lucky, rainbow coloured kid. She sees everything through rose tinted glasses and never has a bad day. Her sister's brush with illness taught Ella not to take life too seriously and not to let it go to waste. She is using hers to make as many friends as possible, try as many different experiences and live it to the full. Ella is very open to all walks of life. She will listen and engage you for hours about your beliefs and likes and dislikes, she finds people very fascinating. This is why she would make such a good healer, as her fondness for all people makes her an easy person to talk to. Enternally optimistic, sometimes her inability to see the bad can be a fault. Ella also has a kinship with animals. From an early age she seemed to be able to tell what an animal wanted or if they were mean or not.

Personal History
All Ella knows about her beginning in life is that her mother was very prominent in the Club Kid scene in the 80s, and never stopped partying after the scene died down. She eventually fell pregnant, but didn't stop taking drugs or partying. As soon as she could, Ella's mother left her twin daughters in the care of the state and moved on with her life. Two blonde haired blue eyed twin girls didn't stay in foster care for long. An older couple, Paula and Ron, were unable to have children of their own. They had left it too late after having successful careers and were overjoyed to find the twins, becoming guardians quickly. Ella and Jenny never knew any other parents, and the couple made no effort to hide that the twins were adopted. This avoided any scandal as the girls grew older, they knew Paula and Ron didn't give birth to them, but why should that matter? If anything, rather than becoming angsty about it Ella instead became more accepting as a person.

Ella's earliest memory is of playing in the sprinklers one summer, when she was five. Her and Jenny were having so much fun darting in and out of the water, until Ella looked over and Jenny wasn't standing up anymore. She was rigid on the ground, shaking violently. Ella will never forget the first time Jenny's eyes rolled back into her head. Suddenly Jenny was fitting nearly every day, she had to be put into hospital but it broke Ella to be away from her sister. They had done everything together, how could she sleep without her twin's gentle snoring next to her? The doctors believed Ella's mother's drug use during the pregnancy had something to do with Jenny's condition, and Ella was also admitted into hospital for observation. The two of them went through numerous tests and exercises, but it was concluded Ella was fine. Jenny on the other hand would have to take drugs for the rest of her life to keep the fitting at bay. It took nearly two years for the doctors to get the dosage right for Jenny, during which time she was sick and frail. Ella made an effort to care for her sister and developed a motherly nature from an early age. She loved cheering Jenny up and helping her with her meds. When the fitting was under control, Ella didn't stop her role as Jenny's carer, and in some ways Jenny needed it. She had missed out on a lot of experiences and needed her twin to show her the way. Paula and Ron often took the twins on trips to the zoo or camping. Ron was a keen naturist, sharing facts and lessons about all animals, information that Ella lapped up. In her life she has had an array of exotic pets, her favourite being Pinky, the chameleon.

Ella's life carried on rather uneventfully. Not to say it was boring, just that nothing dramatic happened. Until one day when the twins were nine, a serious looking and rather harrassed man knocked on the door of their house. He stayed for almost five hours, armed with paper and pens and important looking bound documents. It turns out this man was a wizard, and wanted Paula and Ron to know that they had actually adopted two witches in their quest for a family. The man made them sign confidentiality agreements, swearing the parents to secrecy and giving them some recommendations of good wizarding schools to send the twins to. It was only days later that the twins started showing magical tendancies, Jenny's hair turning green after a fight over the TV remote, and Paul and Ron sat the girls down for a chat. The girls were excited, especially Ella. She could see this as a way to really help people.

The twins sailed through school. They had been brought up polite and well adjusted, making friends and becoming popular easily. Teachers were usually soft on them, as the two of them sat together, both blonde hair and blue eyed tended to melt even the coldest of hearts. It was here that the girls found differences between themselves. Ella was better at healing, and stuff with her hands, whereas Jenny was better at more introverted, quiet work such as Astronomy. It wasn't really a shock to anyone when the girls were both sorted into the same house, where their different personalities began to blossom as they got older. However Ella is still stuck to her twin like glue, sharing a dorm room and doing most things together.
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