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November 22nd, 2008

02:28 am - 001? Oh no.
So. Wonder is asleep. It's cute. I'm drinking. It's fantastic. I wonder- wait. Nevermind. That's not my job. Bahahaha.

I'm too funny for my own good sometimes.

Let's get mundayne, shall we? My nails are pink. I hate that. My real name's Jessie and I'm not your biggest fan. LO-FUCKING-L to that fucklick Kate M or whatevertheshit who was obsessed with that shit-tastic band. I'm suprised I didn't vomit every time she played it and swooned. I swear to god I'm making myself ill.

There's a tapping upstairs that sounds like someone fucking. It's eerie There's not enough whiskey in the world for me to deal with that if it's true. Really, there's not. Well, there never was to begin with. *shock and horror* and a [/sarcasm]

Only not. Pfft.

"When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed."

I wish I said that.

-[insert keyboard mashing here]

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