Vincent's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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Life... [01 Jun 2008|10:33pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | 'Key of the Twilight' ]

>>...<<...-ponders a moment.- Let's see...i've never been fond of online journals...but I figure 'why not?' My best friend Asara told me to make an account ;3 and it seemed interesting enough.

So, with only three days left of my Junior year in High School, there's really not much to tell at the moment...

Everything is going pretty good...I'm basically engaged and already planning out my future with my gal, so I have been in a REALLY good mood as of's almost ridiculous how happy i've been! ^^

Well, aside from the fact that a friend's father has been judging us rather harshly..-rolls eyes.- as if mine and my love's relationship has anything to do with other people..-growls.-

Anyway...Finals all Photography and Spanish finals are due tomorrow, which is going to be HARSH. -melts.- ~,~

That's about it for now..


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