[icon] Xanthe Dewberry -
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Time:05:35 am

Name: Becky
Age: 24

Name: Xanthe Aella Dewberry (Luna Lovegood's mom)
PB: Emilia Clark
Age: 16, Sixth year
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Half blood
Wand: 8½" flexible plum with fairy wings
Patronus: Fairy bluebird, like all birds is symbolizes the soul, transcendence, the spirits of air, and freedom. There is something graceful and altogether mysterious about the small bird just like Xanthe herself.
Animagus: NA

Family & Relationships
Parents: Dedrick (pure blood) & Calanthe Dewberry (muggle)
Siblings: Milos (17) and Acanthe (13) - both magical
Other Relatives: A few cousins (open)
Pet: A black cat she named Timothy. A cat doesn't seem like the logical kind of pet or familiar for someone like Xan who is typically described as flighty and who loves birds but Timothy really grounds her when she needs to be grounded.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single, though she has eyes for Xenophilius Lovegood
Friends: Xenophilius Lovegood, Ravenclaws, (pretty much wide open)
Enemies: Bullies (also open)

Favourite Subject: Charms
Favourite Spell: Avifors, Bluebell flames
Extra Curricular: Quidditch- chaser, Wizards Chess club

Likes: Experimental magic, spell crafting, school work, the color blue, cream tea, the beach, being outside, the woods, animals, coconut flavored things, cats, bluebell flames, bluebell flowers, birds, Timothy, swimming in small bodies of water, folklore, fables, comic books, fairy tales, reading, obscure knowledge, The Beatles, pomegranate, libraries, puzzles, over sized sweaters, solving mysteries and problems, big fields, The Doors, being barefoot, The Grateful Dead

Dislikes: There isn't much that she dislikes per say but she's not particularly fond of parsnip, bullies, when people fuss about blood status, big cities, rudeness, and cruelty.

Strengths: Magic relating to air, flying, & levitation, she's unaffected by things that would normally bother people, curious, when she is in a project she is in it from start to end, not easily pushed around or taken advantage of, figuring out puzzles & problems, she's brilliant in her school work when she doesn't get distracted

Weaknesses: Staying within certain boundaries (things that are forbidden, time constraints, etc.), she has a hard time knowing when to stop and is prone to bouts of insomnia, easily distracted

Boggart: Being caged in

Xanthe's appearance is deceptive. At first appearance she appears lithe, short (standing at 5'3), soft, and slim but upon closer inspection one would notice that she has muscle mass and has built herself up to be quite solid. Her skin is almost porcelain pale and she has long, pale, blonde/silvery hair. Her eyes are bright blue and her smile is subtle yet contagious.

Xanthe is a strange girl by all means. Peculiar and unique. At four she declared she didn't want to eat animals and so she went vegetarian, six years later she argued the semantics and benefits of cutting out all animal products and so became a vegan. She's compassionate, gentle, and kind. Though she is sweet and selfless, she is not easily shoved around and is by no means a door mat. She can take as much teasing and picking on as some of the most stoic figures in history but once her friends or family are made fun of, she's like a proud mama bear who will defend and fight for what she believes is right. Her approach may be entirely different but the intent to end harm is still there.

On most days she's a quietly happy person who is often caught frolicking in open fields or picking flowers and braiding them into her hair. She's curious and can't be stopped when it comes to learning. There is not one subject that is forbidden in her mind, in fact if she is told not to research something there is a nagging feeling that weighs her down until she figures it out. She values knowledge like it is a sacred thing and will never throw away a chance to learn something new.

Xan is superstitious, something she inherited from her parents, so it was something of a small uproar when she brought home a black cat and insisted on keeping him. The poor thing was hungry, scared, and alone and Xanthe didn't care that he was a black cat and that it was near Halloween. It was her cat now and she loved him dearly though she had only known him for a few hours.

Some would say she's a living contradiction, Xan would simply laugh at these assertions.

Xanthe was born to two young parents, Dedrick and Calanthe. Dedrick and Calanthe had met just after they both graduated from school, Dedrick from Hogwarts and Calanthe from a prestigious muggle boarding school in London. Though they came from wealthy and proper families, both Dedrick and Calanthe were wild children, they embraced more modern concepts of sexuality, love, and music. They met and began their relationship quite hastily, resulting in their marriage and their first son, Milos who was born in 1958. When Calanthe became pregnant her parents insisted that she marry the boy responsible. Dedrick and Calanthe were both non-confrontational and they really did love each other even if they had only known the other for a brief period of time. Still, they agreed to be married before their son was born.

Just one year after Milos's birth, they had a daughter, Xanthe and three years later Acanthe. For the Dewberry line it was the first time they had mixed blood with a muggle and so they were mostly left out of larger family gatherings. Their relationship and resulting family was just an unfortunate blemish on the family name. Dedrick and Calanthe didn't let it bother them though and they raised their children in a home full of love and understanding, they both worked hard to make them understand that magical or not, they were well loved and they were all unique. All three children ended up being magical and were sent to their father's alma mater, Hogwarts.

Xanthe was always the more louder of the children, she would lead them in games and the occasional protest, her parents found this endearing and encouraged the children to express their opinions in every way. Xan flourished in the loosely structured environment, they were given certain freedoms and were allowed to compromise when it came to rules they didn't agree with. Her childhood mostly consisted of running around barefoot and free in the fields that surrounded their family cottage. She learned very early in life that she had a gift with magic. Birds would surround her when she laid in the field, almost as if they were waiting for her to tell them something. When she was upset or indignant inanimate objects would burst into bird form. Her dad started to call her "Little Bird" and sometimes "Avi" which means bird in Latin. The nicknames stuck and even some of her friends call her "Little Bird."

Hogwarts, though it was an excellent building block in her education, ended up getting her into more trouble than she knew she was capable of. It was often the rules and regulations that got her in trouble, her professors still couldn't understand the amount of time she spent in detention as she was a brilliant student. She never let anything get her down though and she carried on, pursuing both knowledge and fun. She made the Ravenclaw quidditch team in her fifth year as a chaser, it was another outlet for her and she loved it. Coming back to Hogwarts after a summer in the sun will definitely be a change but she's ready for the coming year.
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