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Here are the userpics for [info]mchammer. Get notified when they upload a new one.
Keywords: michael e. corner: 11th yr ravenclaw.
Keywords: i'm a ravenclaw. see my tie?
Keywords: yo check this out!
Keywords: this white boy's got rhythm!
Keywords: a man-to-man chat.
Keywords: wait a minute. excuse me?
Keywords: oh thaaat.
Keywords: i'm feeling ruminative., i'm king of the castle.
Keywords: ha ha ha; did you see that?
Keywords: don't make me glare at you.
Keywords: i can explain! honest!, it really wasn't my fault!
Keywords: you need to listen to me.
Keywords: you're a funny kid.
Keywords: 'eeeey sonny!
Keywords: obviously daydreaming.
Keywords: oh i see you. and it is a good sight.
Keywords: feeling kind of sceptical about this.
Keywords: it wasn't TOO hard. not for a MAN.
Keywords: yes i'm definitely tuning you out.
Keywords: all right i'll stay for a bit longer.
Keywords: oh no you didn't girl. *snaps*
Keywords: waxing philosophical.
Keywords: you on the other hand...you suck!
Keywords: sure; i'm feeling modest.
Keywords: i'm so smart; yeah that's RIGHT.
Keywords: blah blah blah; i don't caaare.
Keywords: you think it was ME?
Keywords: totes not feelin' that.
Keywords: actually! i'm speechless.
Keywords: i'm going to roll my eyes. ready?
Keywords: i was THIS CLOSE., my hand is enthralling.
Keywords: you talkin' to me?
Keywords: i weep for the death of ur braincells., yikes. i am embarrassed.
Keywords: homie do not play that at all.
Keywords: michael mad. michael smash.
Keywords: all right! who wants pancakes?, so very put upon.
Keywords: i need to get my head in the game.
Keywords: i'm sorry. were you talking?
Keywords: i got this. i'm da bomb; after all.
Keywords: 'eeey baby. how YOU doin'?
Keywords: hay. i'm free 2b tough.
Keywords: struck dumb.
Keywords: can't say i agree with that.
Keywords: talkin big. talkin loud. that's how i do
Keywords: pffft. puh-LEASE.
Keywords: i don't think that's a good idea; mate.
Keywords: what's that now?
Keywords: i'm just a cute; cuddly; innocent kid!
Keywords: gritting my jaw.
Keywords: bzuh?
Keywords: hey now! there is NO NEED for that!
Keywords: three cheers for michael corner!
Keywords: what the fuck. seriously.
Keywords: oh yeah sure! SURE!!!
Keywords: i bought u these flowers. forgive me?
Keywords: well that's really dumb.
Keywords: oh THAT's right. i win.
Keywords: repeat that?
Keywords: excuse me. i thought you said...
Keywords: but i have to be wrong; dont i?
Keywords: because that just ain't cool.
Keywords: i tried not to laugh at you.
Keywords: you're just too funny.
Keywords: i couldn't help myself!
Keywords: i know you understand me baby.
Keywords: and that's why we get along so well!
Keywords: let me put my funk on that guitar.
Keywords: hellooooo dolly.
Keywords: one badass motherfucker.
Keywords: please. you have to listen.
Keywords: what do you want NOW?
Keywords: oh. um. er. ah.
Keywords: seriously?! SWEET!
Keywords: ohhhhhhhh SNAP!
Keywords: wow is that weird or what?
Keywords: i can explain???? or maybe i can't.
Keywords: come on! i didn't mean to!
Keywords: you crazy bitch!
Keywords: i can agree that was stupid.
Keywords: stop being weird.
Keywords: have we come to a conclusion?
Keywords: okay! i think i like this!
Keywords: now that's not what i heard...
Keywords: oh boy does my life suck.
Keywords: anyway! back to the good old days.
Keywords: oh my god. go away.
Keywords: i am so not even kidding.
Keywords: let's get wasted!
Keywords: who's ready for some SEX?
Keywords: that...is not right.
Keywords: hmm. i'm confused about this.
Keywords: boooo. unfair.
Keywords: oh honey. no.
Keywords: i gotchu babe.
Keywords: i'm too sexy for my shirt.
Keywords: awww shucks.
Keywords: that's just whack.
Keywords: much like lisa; i don't speak monkey.
Keywords: whatchu talkin' bout willis?
Keywords: uhhhh i know nothing!
Keywords: my head's in the game.
Keywords: i am so srs.
Keywords: hmm. veeeeery inteeeeeresting.
Keywords: oh boy is the ground fascinating.

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