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Anime Add Me

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[23 Jul 2008|12:53am]
Hey, my name is Valerie. Most people call me Val, or Valzy, or some other funky variation, and a couple of very, very close friends call me Angel. I don't care what you call me, really. Just pick one and roll with it. :)

Well, I guess that's it. Hope to make some friends around here. :)
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[23 Jul 2008|11:45pm]
I hate doing these, since I never know what to say, but hey, here goes.

I'm Neku, I'm 18 and female. I like new friends, they're fun.
If you want to know what I'm like you'd probably be best going here, as I can't really describe myself in a paragraph.

And now, the fandoms... )
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