kururu is now badou
09 May 2008 @ 06:09 pm
It's the return of our mute theme, so for this theme I have selected...

伊藤由奈×セリーヌ・ディオン ♫ Yuna Ito・Celine Dion

you gave me a world to believe in )

→ You must include the lyrics that inspired your submission.
→ There must be NO text, including tiny text or textures with any kind of typography.
→ You may submit up to 2 icons.
→ Include the image URL, characters, and series your icon(s) comes from.
→ Icons are due to this screened post by May 16th at 11PM EST.
Queen of the Superficial
09 May 2008 @ 10:13 pm
Here's our poll for Theme 08: Word - Lust.

With all these reckless dark desires )

New theme will be up by [info]kururu soon unless I hear otherwise.