Anime Awards' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Anime Awards

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Week 64: Voting [27 Aug 2010|11:04pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | The Rasmus - Your Forgiveness ]

Thanks to everyone who entered! Vi will have your next theme up soon. Sorry this is a few minutes late, my internet's being stupid.

Please vote for 3 icons.

You told me we could make it last forever )

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Week 65 : Theme [27 Aug 2010|11:08pm]
I'm here! I wasn't off doing something stupid and un-theme related. Let's see your word this week will be:

sentimental You can use the word or any variation of the word. Get creative. I know you can.

Your lyrics are behind the cut if you use them make sure you use at least two consecutive words.

Maroon 5 - Misery )

-You may submit up to two icons
-If you use the lyrical theme, please use at least two consecutive words
-Your icon may be textless if using the word theme if you so choose.
-You have until next Friday night at 11:00pm EST
-Please follow the submissions format:
Icon URL:
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[ viewing | August 27th, 2010 ]
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