24 September 2010 @ 11:00 pm
Here is your voting for Week Seventy-four: Song Titles/"Shine". From 3 to 8, beautifully done, my loves! Here is your voting and [info]kiokushitaka should have a new theme up shortly. :3

vote for your favorite [THREE] in order of preference

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

o1. "living shields" ♫ after forever
o2. "someone in control" ♫ trapt
o3. "clear blue" ♫ paul oakenfold
o4. "not like the other girls" ♫ the rasmus
o5. "someday you will be loved" ♫ death cab for cutie
o6. "enjoy the silence" ♫ lacuna coil
o7. "i will not bow" ♫ breaking benjamin
o8. lyrical
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