20 December 2010 @ 02:26 am
Here are your results for Week Eighty-six: Legs/"Cut". Guys, only two people voted. Can we please get some more participation if not in the icon making than at least in the voting. Please and thank you. Now, be sure to submit to our newest theme which is located RIGHT HERE! Remember, Christmas Eve is this Friday so if you plan to submit, do so early! :)

But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside. )
17 December 2010 @ 11:00 pm
Here's your voting for Week Eighty-six: Legs/"Cut". We got 6 entries, thanks, and if you could vote, I'd greatly appreciate it. [info]kiokushitaka should have a new theme up shortly.

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in. )
10 December 2010 @ 11:17 pm
Word; Legs
From one end of the body to the other. The focus of your icon must be the character's legs. If you have questions on the icon's validity, let me know.

Lyrical; Cut ♫ Plumb
click here for lyrics )

Remember, three icons per theme and you may use the same theme thrice. ♥ Your icons will be due on December 17th at 11PM EST.

Submission Format;
Icon URL:

[info]kiokushitaka has voting up right here.