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Blue Ridge AU Crack

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[20 Jun 2012|02:25pm]
Full Name: Tatum Riley Donnelly.
Nickname: Tater, Tate, T, Preggo.
DOB: Nineteen [March 15th/ 1993].
Hometown: Portage Lake, Maine.
House & Year: First Year in University [Forestry & Magical Biology]; Former Shawnee.
Sexuality: Outwardly heterosexual, but most definitely homosexual.
Relationships: Dated various male friends, including Sam Ruiz who is the father of her daughter-to-be. She's been dating girls behind the backs of her boyfriends, and almost everyone else, for ages. She was with Sunny Garcia for a time, but has been with Michi Passos for a while now. She came out to her parents about being with Michi after they kicked her out of the house for her pregnancy, but still not too many people on campus know about them, though they may suspect. She's been working up to being open about her sexuality, on top of everything else.

Personality type in one word or sentence: Wallflower musician, now with all eyes on her.

Miniature History:
Tatum was raised in the same small town life, in the same devoutly Catholic family. Generally quiet and withdrawn, Tatum was always the most meek of her siblings, one happy to just play her guitar and fade into the background. Three morally upright children and two happy parents, everything about the Donnelly family seemed picture perfect, at least on the surface, until her sister was able to crack the whole thing wide open. Tatum was never as upfront about her wrongdoings as Sera was, but once Sera was kicked out of the house for being with Hunter among other un-Christian indiscretions, things began to snowball from there.

She never felt straight, but kept it quiet half out of shame and half out of obligation to her family, and she always consistently dated a series of her close male friends over the years. She dated girls on the side as well, in secret, most of which were also close friends. This was all fine, or at least it was good enough, until one of said friends, Sam Ruiz, got her pregnant. She insists that anyone who says it can't happen the first time is a bold faced liar. She was unsurprised to be kicked out of her father's house by her parents after telling them.

Having a baby out of wedlock was one thing, but when she decided to tell them that she was choosing to raise her 'bastard' with the father and her girlfriend both, that was the final nail in her coffin. Tatum was, and still is, pro-choice but personally decided that she didn't want to terminate her pregnancy even if she is sort of terrified about what will happen next. She hasn't decided officially yet if she'll keep the baby, a girl, or give her up for adoption. Doctor Lisi has already warned her about the risks associated with her disorder and pregnancy, and begun helping her adjust.

Diagnosed as suffering from bipolar II disorder at age fourteen, most of Tatum's lows and hypomanic episodes were kept in check by a steady regime of medication; lithium in particular, but antidepressants and various mood stabilizers as well. Manic highs are less intense with her disorder, but the lows and depression are worsened, as well as the rate of suicide. It was thanks to her father that Tatum always felt ashamed of her illness, as if she were defective or inferior because of it, rather than someone who was sick. Outside of her family and close friends, few people know about her disorder at all, and she has been able to lead a relatively normal life with only the occasional incident.

Her pills, however, do not bode well with pregnancy since most anti-psychotics result in birth defects. She wanted to stop taking her pills cold turkey, which she began doing in private, but that didn't really work all that well, sending her into a downward spiral instead. Once again going to Doctor Lisi for help, as well as with support from Michi and Sam, Tatum has gotten things under better control again [for now]. She is on a less intense medication routine, rather than off her medication entirely, but neither choice was, or is, exactly easy for her but she gets by. Only a few months to go.

With no actual home to go back to, Tatum lives in the dormitories currently, but wants to get a place of her own with Michi, like Hunter and Sera have. Always an occasional dabbler in dealing within the school, and a recovering marijuana enthusiast herself [which another stresser from ending up pregnant; no joints], Tatum sells enough drugs to get by and to save up for the future. She mostly deals in cocaine and prescriptions. Oddly, her growing stomach hasn't really put off too many of her customers. Buying drugs from a pregnant chick, she reasons, is like charity. She clearly needs the cash.
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