My Crochet Projects

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{My Hat Project!} @ 01:20 pm

[info]magickcauldron posted in [info]craft_work:


I just love those colours!! They really seem to POP in the picture. Now I am working on a black hat for Toby. Pictures will be up soon for that one as well.

I got the instrustions from
here but after following the intial directions I decided that the hat was too small and after some Trial and Error I was able to create a new set of directions to make it bigger for my head and and Toby's.

Also the videos I watched for that hat are included in her post so this way I don't have to link them you can just click on the above link {which is the link to her hat post}, and at the bottom of the post she has linked her Youtube videos on how to make the hat.

Alright I better skedaddle because I have to watch kids tonight and I wanted to work on Toby's hat until 3pm, hop in the shower, and then go get gas before leaving at 4:30 to head to my sister's house to watch the twins. 

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My Crochet Projects