Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Characters: Rowan and Adriana
Setting: Library, after classes on Wednesday
Rating: I'm going to start this at SFW but who knows <.<
Content: Rowan goes to the library often. This is not new. However, she doesn't always see Adriana there...

There was a lot of research of her own to do still, but Rowan was putting that aside in favor of getting her actual school work finished. She liked to stay ahead of the game, so to speak, when it came to her academics, so the project that she was working on was one that wasn't due for a few weeks. The way Rowan saw it, if she did all of the work that she knew about when she could, she was both more free to do other things, and anything else that came up wouldn't be in addition to regular classwork. The beginning of each semester was often a flurry of work for her, just trying to get a little ahead to get that breathing room. It felt like she might need it.

Heading into the stacks in the library, after walking past the librarian who knew her well at this point, Rowan went over to the section that held the books that she needed. Just because she wasn't good at the practical aspects of Defense Against the Dark Arts, didn't mean that she couldn't at least know the theories well. Her project was for that class, and she decided to study up on the background. With a solid background, she felt she could perhaps get a better handle on the spellwork that would be involved with it. Her attention diverted by looking at the books in front of her, anything could happen around her without her knowledge.


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