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cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 12th, 2011 07:42 pm (UTC) (Link)

I'm Katie, one of the Mods here, and I've got two kiddies for your consideration!

This journal is Rowan Cabot. She's a Junior in Sonnier house, more than a little bit of a nerd herself, also loves to read and is very into spell creation and theory, charms and the like. She's also decent in herbology and potions. Your typical shy, nerdy overachiever... except that she's got tattoos and has somehow managed to be dating a jock/troublemaker for almost a year. Definitely more than meets the eye with this one. I see them getting along rather well. Thoughts?

Then there is Vinnie Ciccarelli (Chick-uh-RELL-ee. I know, it's a mouthful XD) who is a Beauregard Junior and found in [info]che_bel_viso <--that journal there :) Vinnie is bisexual, or equal opportunity as he calls it, very positive and respectful (unless you're Leon <.<) and likes to flirt with everything that has a pulse. No, really. But he's a sweetie about it, and knows when it would be appreciated and when it wouldn't be. He'd have no problems with Akio, though I don't really see them being friends yet? We can always throw them together and see what happens?

Let me know what you think! And welcome welcome to the game!!!
akio From: [info]akio Date: April 12th, 2011 09:43 pm (UTC) (Link)
Hello Katie! It's a pleasure to meet you (finally). I do think that Rowan and Akio could be great friends, especially study buddies. They have probably had many a very quiet study sessions.

As for Vinnie (love the last name, very unique), I think that a random run-in would be great. See how they mesh. XD

Thanks for the welcome. I am very excited!
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 12th, 2011 10:24 pm (UTC) (Link)
Yes, finally XD I have heard a lot about you~

Rowan speaks Latin as well as anyone alive really can, loves to sit and talk spells and philosophy and such, and likes to study quietly. If they're close enough, and have been for a little while, then there are things we can discuss ~in private~ that he might know about her.

Thanks for the compliment! LOL I stole it from a co-worker <.< I am ALWAYS up for random run-ins!

I am excited as well! Dancing now!
akio From: [info]akio Date: April 13th, 2011 12:44 am (UTC) (Link)
Sweet! XD I hope it was aaaallllll good!

Mmkays, I am down for that with Rowan. Email or IM me and we can discuss.

Hehe, nice. We've gotta come up with these random names somehow, right?
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