DC Heroes

Calling in the calvary @ 01:36 am


To say that leaving Helena by herself in Khandaq at the hands of Black Adam unsettled Barbara was a bit of an understatement. She hadn't stopped worrying about her teammate and friend since she had left with the rest of the Birds.

She didn't trust Black Adam. The fact that he just wanted Helena, and not the rest of them struck several nerves, and she wasn't just going to let Helena be stuck there at the mercy of someone that they didn't know all that much about.

The second she got back to Gotham, Barbara wheeled her way into her control room and fired up all her systems.

She could call the JLA, or Batman, even. But right now, she'd call someone that Helena trusted.

In a matter of minutes, Barbara got a secure comm line out to a certain hero in Star City.

"Arsenal, this is Oracle. Do you copy?"