Do you fit the equation?'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Do you fit the equation?

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updates - mod [31 Dec 2010|12:35pm]

pandolfo vs paisley_jane
keyblade vs haute - keyblades scored is raised +.1
create vs dust

Superlative Steals
CUTEST BIG DOG: snapple vs pandolfo
BEST FAMILY PORTRAIT: banana vs whiskey
HOTTEST FEMALE FRIEND: loyaltylocket vs papergiraffes
BEST BRUNETTE: haute vs pandolfo
CUTEST KID: mixd vs charade
BEST WINTER PHOTOGRAPH: 61_keys_to_play vs pandolfo

Weekly Theme
Show us what you received for the holidays! What was your favorite gift? Did you receive anything that you do not understand why? How were your gifts received? Did you enjoy the reactions? Share about your holiday. +15 points for participating. This theme will run until January 2nd.

Member Spotlight
[info]highlight is under the spotlight! Leave questions and comments for her HERE. The spotlight will run until January 7th.

Other Information
- I'll start switching over the month tomorrow, but please nominate a member you think is MOST ARTISTIC.
- The end of the month is in ONE day.
the following members need to post a duel/superlative )

the following members needs to earn 20 points )

vote for january's layout )

Please vote about the Livejournal/Scribbld/Equations discussion HERE.
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FIXING EQUATIONS [31 Dec 2010|12:40pm]
As I'm sure everyone has seen, [info]phalange has brought up the issue of moving Equations to Livejournal.
Before you vote, I suggest everyone checks out the post HERE and look over everyone's points.

Going through the list, I feel the options are:
A.) Equations stays the same
B.) Equations stays at Scribbld, but changes are made
- What sort of changes should be made? (You do not need to answer this, but it will be helpful!)
C.) Equations moves entirely to Livejournal
D.) A mirror community is made at Livejournal, while the community here stays

For both C+D -- Should changes be made to how Equations is ran when it is moved to Livejournal? What kind of changes? Should points made at the LJ community count here?

As brought up, there is a LJ rating community called _bleedingbeauty which it looks like is ran similar to Equations and works out really well. I wasn't there long enough to get a good feel of how it is ran (it was far too active for me), but perhaps someone else is more knowledgeable on the subject.

And, of course, you are allowed to put an entirely different option I haven't thought of.

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