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100 themes: Naruto: #25 Trouble Lurking [19 Aug 2009|02:13pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Staffan Hellstrand: Lilla Fågel Blå ]

Title: Trouble Lurking
Fandom: Naruto
Character(s): Orochimaru, Iruka, (Anko and Gai mentioned)
Rating: PG
Words: 150

Summary: Orochimaru wasn’t sure his youngest Genin had ever heard about this thing called tact.

Author’s Note #1: Weeeeell, I count anything between 100 and 500 words as a drabble :P

Author’s Note #2: In my personal fandom (that is filled with the same type of massive time paradoxes as Kishi-sensei has in canon) Orochimaru was Iruka, Anko and Gai's Genin team leader (because I'm evil like that).

Disclaimer: Kishimoto Masashi should be God.

Trouble Lurking )

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