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Flame Cup

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Submissions Post #2 [17 Jan 2008|09:51am]

First, i would like to thank everyone who submitted Flames! 

Look out! )

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Submissions #2 [17 Jan 2008|09:54am]
Submissions Post #2
1. Graphics should be no larger than 600x400 and should be in either .gif, .jpeg or .png format.
2. Do not submit flames regarding children under 13. Flames should target Scribbld users, not their children.
3. Do not submit flames with private information, such as full name including last name, address, telephone number, pictures or screen name, UNLESS they are publicly accessible (userinfo, public gjpix, myspace) at the time of submission. All flames that are a violation of privacy will be removed immediately/deleted.
4. Do not submit flames regarding someones race. Racism will not be tolerated and is against the GJ TOS.
5. Do not submit flames that contain nudity of a minor, nudity of minors can be considered Child Pornography. In this case, a minor is anyone under 18.
6. All flames submitted will be uploaded to another source by the mods as to prevent broken links and banned images on photobucket and tinypic. Upload your flame to any photo hosting site such as Photobucket, Tinypic or Imageshack.
7. By joining this community you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the community and are verifying that you are 18+
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[ viewing | January 17th, 2008 ]
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