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Not that happy about this. [06 May 2008|08:09am]

A quick poke to all players. I have posted a thread in fmathread and need some bodies to play it out. It's just me and wrath right now and I have not seen any movement for almost a week. If anyone has any better story ideas please post them. otherwise this comm is not much fun without more people to play in.

Sorry but I hate seeing good plots go to waste like this. and I don't see anyone posting anything better.. I mean one week already and nothing new.

Sorry for a little wank, but I'm tired of having comms and no one posting anything because "their bored with the plot."

I didn't sign up for a dead comm... I mean I have four of those on lj that never took off.
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First post I rule [01 May 2008|10:07am]

Hey everyone. Just starting off the comm with a hello, and leave it open for talk.
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