[Me] Braaaiinnss.
won't you fly high, ([info]freebird) wrote in [info]iconseeyou on April 2nd, 2009 at 02:51 am
i had to go look at them again to see what you meant by "lot of empty space in your icons", but now i definitely see that so thank you. i just honestly never ever think about it. that would be a great thing to add on. i have a problem with feeling like i'm cluttering my icons, though.

sometimes i just like the empty space too. i recently made this icon:

& you can obviously tell that like 70% of that was put in by me. i kinda like it that way, so all of the focus is just on the head. idk i have a weird sense of style. it works for me i guess.

yeah, my old monitor which i had for YEARS. probably 10 years, eep. idk. anyway, these icons would look a HOT MESS, as some people say, on that monitor.
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