31 March 2009 @ 07:42 pm
I wasn't sure whether to post this in [info]necroholic or here but this seems like more sensible place for it.


1. Comment with your username, a few icons to see your work, and people will comment with what they feel about your icons.
2. You don't have to comment anonymously, but I would strongly suggest it.
4. Please don't be rude when commenting, there is a difference between constructive and destructive criticism.
5. Even if you feel like you're not the best icon maker, please comment anyway, or comment to other people. This is supposed to help people grow, and see their strengths and weaknesses.

(If no one comments to this or anything, I will be so sad)

This was taken from an icon meme on lj.

Copy & paste this to promote this meme! Please?
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won't you fly high,[info]freebird on April 2nd, 2009 03:02 am (UTC)
i am in love with your icons. textures, coloring, cropping, you've got it all down to a T. i just wish you made icons of things i'm into. i feel really weird maybe using icons that i think are gorgeous when i don't even know who is in them, let alone anything about that person/subject.
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♪♫: [ YOKO ] ↘ it's automatic.[info]destructive on April 2nd, 2009 10:49 am (UTC)
Haha, seems quite of a bit us wished others would icon things we're all into! Thank you!

I've been the same, about using icons of subjects you don't know/not into, especially since icons tend to "represent" you in different ways. But I feel that if it's gorgeous, there's always an exception! ;) Even if it happens to be a character/subject I hate! XD
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