Sunday, May 17th, 2009

BADOU ♚ 89 icons

I sat and sat and sat, deciding on the best way to set up these icons. SERIOUS BUSINESS, RIGHT? FUCK. :/ But yeah. My icon folder was piling up and I hate setting up huge ass icon posts, so. Here's a post! Mostly iContest submissions and text/textless variations as per usual. XD

32 ➟ Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
23 ➟ Mixed animanga + manwha (black lagoon, bride of the water god, dengeki daisy, desire climax, dogs, majin tantei nogami neuro, nana, pink sniper, shinobi no onna, to-love-ru)
04 ➟ Final Fantasy (ffvii: ac, ffx-2)
06 ➟ Kingdom Hearts
13 ➟ Musicians (the gazette, anna tsuchiya, koda kumi, olivia)
08 ➟ Tokidoki
02 ➟ Miscellaneous

i wish that he would listen to her side of the story )
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