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my solemn vow [09 Feb 2010|03:27am]
[ mood | blah ]

I guess the word would be divorcing? [info]shattering. Since that frees up a claim, [info]ihavemarried Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Assassin's Creed II.

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My solemn vow [09 Feb 2010|04:41am]
[ music | Voodoo Child - Rogue Traders ]

I wanna get hitched too!

[info]ihavemarried Gilbert Beilschmidt/Prussia [Hetalia Axis Powers] and also, [info]ihavemarried [info]omegatrinity

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my solemn vow~ [09 Feb 2010|09:31pm]
right so. can i divorce adrien brody? and announce that [info]ihavemarried alex suarez? :)
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[ viewing | February 9th, 2010 ]
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