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[27 Apr 2011|11:23pm]

we are moving to futzy!

i know i said i'd wait until tomorrow but the friends page was starting to really really really get on my nerves so hopefully that's okay with everyone! first (or next) adds will be done tomorrow night and everyone's role is held/guaranteed until sunday. the exception is people who were going to be removed tonight for inactivity/not posting in the intros comm; they're not held or guaranteed. it's still first come first serve aside from you all though. anyway, please go and apply over there and don't forget to pimp! please keep your current aim names so i can easily be sure you're the same person; if you need to change it for whatever reason, do it via the screened post after first adds.

see you all on ij!

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[27 Apr 2011|08:36pm]


question time!

so when this community originally started last week, it was mainly because of ij always being down. ij is still iffy some nights but for the most part it's better. i know people have issues with scribbld -- it's slow loading the friends page; it's difficult to create styles; it's just different from what we're used to. however, ij is still down a lot of the time, and most of the "good" usernames are taken, which i know does make a difference for some people. another option is dreamwidth, but codes are necessary.

so what do you all think we should do? should we stay here, move to insanejournal, or move to dreamwidth? let me know in the comments (not sure how to make a poll, or if you even can) and i'll make a decision by tomorrow!

edit: did one of you register ~futz on ij? i didn't and it was only registered last night. just wondering!

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[26 Apr 2011|10:35pm]


adds & removals )

fyi: these are all the removals of people who never intro'd, which is why it looks like such a long list! please remember to post in this community if you haven't already, or else you'll be removed for inactivity. also, please note that people will no longer be added unless they have an aim screenname! finally, aim was giving me a hard time tonight so please let me know if there are any errors on the buddylist and i'll be sure to fix them asap.

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[25 Apr 2011|09:29pm]


added )


[info]andrewrgarfield / hootenandy
[info]bemily / bellemtrix
[info]ccrawf / chace machine
[info]eisenbergja / carejessly
[info]harnage / blake hole sun
[info]jestone / emmception

just a reminder, you must post an introduction in this community within three days (72 hours) of being added or you are available to be overridden or removed! a more thorough post with the activity rules will be up by the end of the night.

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joel kandoit, if you leave your sn ill IM you. [25 Apr 2011|06:41pm]

hi im joel and i have two questions because i couldnt decided: 1. whats one song you could listen to forever on repeat and 2. whats your weirdest and/or biggest phobia, im really worried about swallowing my lip ring.
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audreyna hepburn [25 Apr 2011|12:11am]

hi i'm audrina and i can't wait for dexter to come back on!! what are you excited for or what's your favorite tv show? or both if you feel ambitious
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[24 Apr 2011|09:35pm]




chace crawford
chace machine

william beckett
led zepbillin

audrina patridge
audreyna hepburn

aimee teegarden

hayley williams
femme fathayl

candice swanepoel
ron swaneson

richard madden
scratch my rich

kit harington
kitty slappin

garrett nickelsen

ariana grande
sweet cariline

austin gibbs

joel kanitz
joel kandoit

emma roberts


[info]mbomer / automattic door
[info]milamk / temila slammer

also, please check out our new and improved wanted list and go here to add people to it! i've tried to include all the bands/casts that are here but let me know if i'm forgetting any.

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[23 Apr 2011|11:55pm]


alison brie
barenaked alis

maggie grace
maggadamia nut

sasha pieterse

anna paquin

leighton meester
leigend of zelda

kendall jenner
kenimal minds


[info]jennerb / brody vs aim
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vuvuzaclas [23 Apr 2011|08:27pm]

tell me two truths and a lie about yourself. i'll probably fail miserably in guessing but at least i'll have gotten to know some of you better
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olligators [23 Apr 2011|05:42pm]

i'm olivia and apparently this is my future. you all remember mash from middle school, right? i want you all to play it and then share your results with me
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super maxrio [23 Apr 2011|01:45pm]

i'm max and there are about 1.7 million germs living on my cell phone. how many are on yours?
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