Invite Codes [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Invite Codes

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[Jun. 12th, 2013|02:30 am]

Hey guys, got a few invite codes I'd be more than happy to share with new users who want to sign up but can't on account of the invite-system...

I want to avoid spam so give me something to prove you're not a spambot, tell me your favourite food, what you want to use scribbld for, etc, as long as I know you're genuine :)
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Hello [Jun. 6th, 2013|10:03 pm]

[Current Mood | content]

Hello, I'm your community maintainer and first poster!

Right now I have an undisclosed amount of invite codes. If you would like a code leave a comment to this entry with an email address. Comments are screened to protect your email. To ensure that you are not a bot put "duchess" somewhere in your comment.
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