02 January 2012 @ 10:44 am


I bring you another little nutter! This one is called WAGS!

He is the lead singer for the Weird Sisters. He would love to play with people! He doesn't trust very easily at first, but once he gets to know someone he becomes incredibly loyal.

Ping me if you want him!! XD
25 October 2011 @ 10:48 am
 Hey everyone! I'm Sasha and currently I have two of my little ones on here! 

Firstly there is Oliver Wood on this Journal. He is a keeper for Puddlemere United (would he really be anything else?) He is currently 'seeing' Fred Weasley in a very open relationship. He spends a lot of time with his friends when he isn't training either at the gym or on the pitch. 

Secondly there is Katie Bell @ [info]katie_cakes . She is a healer in training, currently on rotation around the hospital.  She is single and likes to flirt when she goes out (When she finds the time around work that is). Katie is a good cook and enjoys when her friends come round to the house. Katie lives with Tig in quite a reasonable sized house with a couple of spare rooms, ready for anyone who drops in. Oh yes and Katie LOVES to snuggle!!!

That is my lot.... for now. If anyone wants to chatter find me on aim @ Dandelionboy69  :)