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Soundtrack Icon Challenge

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Kingdom Hearts || The Heart of Everything by Within Temptation [11 Jun 2010|06:48am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | frozen || within temptation ]

Album: The Heart of Everything
Artist: Within Temptation
Tracks: 12
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts 2 [specifically, the opening and ending FMVs]
Proof: here


follow the fake cut~
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[01 Jun 2010|10:44pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | none ]

Fandom: World of Warcraft (general)
Artist: Dethklok
Album: Dethalbum I
Tracklist: Here

1 2 3 4

This ain't no Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle )
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FMA:Brotherhood; Theory of a Deadman [27 May 2010|04:35am]

[ mood | mellow ]

Album: Scars and Souvenirs
Artist: Theory of a Deadman
Tracks: 13
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (general)
Proof: Here.

OST Challenge; Theory of a Deadman - Scars and Souvenirs (FMA) )

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[23 May 2010|06:13pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "Hurt (EchosOfSilence Remix)" - Nine Inch Nails ]

Fandom: Fight Club (general)
Band: Metallica
Album: Death Magnetic
Tracklist: Here

When you stand up and feel the warmth but the sunshine never comes )
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[10 Mar 2008|12:36am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "The Beginning Of The End" - Nine Inch Nails ]

Just fake it if you're out of direction )

x-posted to [info]videogame_icons
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Example Icon Post [03 Feb 2008|02:22pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | None ]

This entry is to show members how to post their finished icons. You may take any of my icons used here with credit. :D

Album: Stadium Arcadium
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Tracks: 28
Fandom: Death Note (anime series;general)
Proof: Link

I got your hey oh, now listen what I say oh )

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Mod Post! [03 Feb 2008|02:17pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | None ]

This entry is for members to post any questions regarding the rules of this community. You may also post here requesting to be an affiliate. Please don't use this entry for anything else. Thank you! :D



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