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/BODYSLAMS COMM [Aug. 13th, 2009|07:39 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]aniki_ukon
2009-08-16 03:09 am (UTC)


Hi! I'm Jayden and I play Sakon and Ukon! I'm on hiatus right now due to training, but I wanna say hey while I grabbed the chance!

So, hey~

Um...I dunno what Ukon can do with Ino, but Sakon is working on being a photographer. Ino would be the perfect candidate for modeling in his shoots for him, iffin' you'd like. He doesn't like the chicks he has now...they're NPC icky. <3

Ukon is a medical and English major. Just FYI~
[User Picture]From: [info]verdure
2009-08-16 03:30 am (UTC)


Hi! It's nice to meet you.

I definitely like that idea oh ho ho. Either he can use her for his portfolio, or vice versa. 8) Or just... whatever lmfao.
[User Picture]From: [info]ototo_sakon
2009-08-16 03:31 am (UTC)


They can share~
[User Picture]From: [info]verdure
2009-08-16 04:03 am (UTC)


For sure.