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bug #0000027 [Mar. 22nd, 2008|11:38 pm]

Comment numbers messing up?

this shows an outrageous number of comments on this entry when there are actually none. It doesn't have to do with either layout.

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Custom Moodtheme bug #000026 [Feb. 26th, 2008|04:41 pm]

It's been sitting in the support requests for 3 weeks now and I can't figure it out.
I'm not sure if you're aware or if anyone else has submitted a support ticket for this yet or not but earlier while uploading a custom moodtheme for myself I noticed something.

When you go to manage your moodtheme and upload more images it is missing the areas to upload the following moods; APATHETIC, BLANK, CRAZY, GIDDY, NAUGHTY, PESSIMISTIC, and WEIRD.

These moods still show up when you update your journal, it's just that simply no image appears next to it. So the moods are obviously there to be used but there's no where to update images for them when you edit your moodtheme. I really hope I've explained this the right way.

In case you need to know, I use Mozilla Firefox and I run in Windows XP Professional

#000026: Custom Mood Theme

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S2 Customize Page Display Issue [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:59 pm]


Bug #000025 - The list is not done correctly, another issue that should be able to be fixed by CSS.
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Display Issue on S1 Cutomize Page [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:54 pm]

Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!

Bug #000024 - There are obviously display issues if you're using the S1 style system and you go to the customize page. This should be able to be fixed by CSS.
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GUI Bug on Manage Userpics [Jan. 27th, 2008|05:48 am]

Bug #000023 - Some CSS alignment issues with the text and text boxes on the manage userpics page.

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Lists are not styled properly [Jan. 26th, 2008|10:33 pm]

Bug #000022 - In some lists they would show the bullets outside of the grey main content div.

Fixed: - this article helped.
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Entry Privacy Resets [Jan. 26th, 2008|08:47 pm]

Bug #000021 - When using this page:

and you change your entry privacy to either friends only or just you, it'll revert back to everyone when you view the page again.
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Can't Change Back to BlueWhite theme [Jan. 26th, 2008|08:29 pm]

Bug #000020 - Users cannot not change back to the default 'BlueWhite' theme.
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Goth Boy mood pic bug [Jan. 26th, 2008|08:13 pm]

Bug #000019 - In the goth_boy moodtheme the mood crazy doesn't show a image.
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"comment bug" #000018 [Jan. 24th, 2008|02:33 pm]

On a Windows PC running firefox, a peculiar error came up. Logged in and from S1 Generator friends view clicked "comment" and received this error/code. Went back and refreshed and normal comment page came up.

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"sidebar bug" #000016-17 [Jan. 23rd, 2008|09:43 pm]

#000016: On a Windows pc running Firefox, sometimes the sidebar gives little x's instead of the mini-stars, like here. Also, the circled link is sometimes not present in the side bar (it goes to the Friend's Filter Page). That particular bug also happens on my mac running firefox.

#000017: long journal names - the sidebar is images, but when you have a username that is longer than the image, the blackline doesn't continue. Like here, also circled is the missing link. When the name is longer, the blue gap is bigger.

Neither of these, except for the disappearing link, has really any big issue, other than cosmetic.

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"friends page not updating" #000015 [Jan. 21st, 2008|12:25 pm]

This corresponds to several support requests as well - users are having problems with their friends views not refreshing when there are new entries.

The way to fix this is to clear your browser history and cache - it worked fine for me and for the people I've suggested it to, but is there a problem on the scribbld side that makes it so you have to clear your cache every time? It only happened to me once and clearing the cache worked, so I don't know about other people.


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"tiny font in update field" #000014 [Jan. 18th, 2008|12:49 pm]

On a PC with Windows XP or Vista, the font looks really tiny. On my MAC, it shows up just fine. On my work computer, it shows up like this. It's not the browser font, that shows up just fine.

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"Non linking links" #000007-13 [Jan. 18th, 2008|09:14 am]

Links that exist but don't go anywhere:

#000007: Under manage settings::mobile manage/mobile.bml

#000008: At the bottom of every page
#000009: Front Page/Login.bml - if you're not logged in.
Front Page/Post an entry - if you're not logged in, there's an LJpencil icon that shows up instead of your user icon.
#000010: Icon Javascript - when you post and hover your cursor over your icon, it changes color and acts like it has a javascript duty, but doesn't do anything when you click it.

#000011: Support: On the support page, it asks others to help out, but when you click the link it says not to help. You can get around it, but it's a little redundant.
#000012: Login: When you log in and get diverted to the welcome page, it gives you three options - the last one is "" but since usernames are set up for paid users to use '' it turns into that.
#000013: under scheme Opalcat and Scribbld have the same layout

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"Livejournals" #000001-6 [Jan. 18th, 2008|09:03 am]

Getting rid of all the pesky left-over 'livejournals'

Already found:

#000001: Lost Info (,
#000002: FAQ #32,
#000003: Create a journal x2 (,
#000004: Tell A Friend in the userinfos under the little "speedy mail" button.
#000005: under LJ notifications.

#000006: site nameIn, it says <?site name?>.

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