Scribbld Usernames' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Scribbld Usernames

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September 2008 List [28 Sep 2008|08:56pm]
[ mood | envious ]

The following is a list of usernames that were not activated or deleted.

List Updated - March 13, 2009 -- 9:18AM EST!

Please READ!
1. Please send $4/username request. PayPal ONLY. (PayPal to
2. Include the usernames you want within the PayPal comments.
3. You should get an email with a password to login to the usernames within 48 hours. We'll only reply to the emails from PayPal and the email address attached to that account. That email will also be connected the usernames you request, of course you can change that after you login to your new username.
4. Login and change the password ASAP.
5. No refunds will be issued for purchased usernames.
6. If you have questions about this process leave them here, nothing else. No requests in comments, nothing, all is ignored except for questions.
7. If you use an eCheck it can take up to 2 weeks to process, so don't use them!

Thanks & have at it!

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[ viewing | September 28th, 2008 ]
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