The Salvage of my Sanity... - Personal Update
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-03-28 20:50
Subject: Personal Update
Security: Public
Tags:home life

 Okay I have a few head's ups for those who are concerned:

1) Tomorrow, March 29th, school starts up again. I've had an academic complication that has made my university pay a little extra attention to me. So I'll be trying to bust my ass better this next term. I do, on the other hand, only have one afternoon class and Fridays off.

2) I'm officially on a competition team for the Student Design Challenge being held at the ASME (American Society for Mechanical Engineers) SPDC (Student Professional Development Conference .... I think). It's being held on April 9th and 10th. I will not be around those two days I'd wager. Do expect to see interesting updates as to whether or not I win anything in the end.

3) If I am 'away' on IM. I really do mean I'm not at my computer. Or it could mean I'm at my computer and doing something that requires all of my concentration. You are welcome to ding me and leave a message. My e-mail works, but do keep in mind I will be busier than usual this school term.

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記憶したか?// Bad Person™: DANTE FUCK YES I'M WINNING
User: [info]kiokushitaka
Date: 2010-03-29 05:12 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

Good luck!

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my journal
May 2011