The Salvage of my Sanity... - Day 10 - Favorite Slice of Life Anime
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-11-16 10:06
Subject: Day 10 - Favorite Slice of Life Anime
Security: Public
Tags:asme, meme

I didn't have much issue with this one.

My favorite slice of life anime is:

Bartender. I love the concept of Sasakura running about, helping others through his insight and symbolic drinks (which are apparently very tasty).

I do have ASME news too. The conference (well at least my part of it) was last weekend. Click here to see what became of my event (which was the Student Design Competition and I was with Oregon State Univeristy).

I'll post a more detailed entry about my machine's misadventures later, right now I'm quite tired. Not surprising really, I've been sleeping very irregularly lately because of ASME.

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