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kuma ([info]kuma) wrote,
@ 2009-04-07 14:35:00

Previous Entry  Add to memories!  Tell a Friend!  Next Entry
Current location:School
Current mood: Arigato,Toshida-san
Current music:Random Hatsune Minku song
Entry tags:complete, hyperlink, monkey, popipo, random, second

 I am slowly,but surely maintaining my grip on the stuff around me. Often times,I tend to "space out",or "fall asleep". So,if I don't update soon,then I more than likely broke mah brain trying to think. Also,if it seems like my posts are shorter than normal,or tend to ramble on,it's because I'm listening to an awesome song,and I want to either pay attention to it,or I want to match it's length. For instance,when I updated I was trying to match Piano: FFX2 - Eternity (Memories of Light and Waves)
Woot! My first hyperlink,and I did it right!

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