True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

August 26th, 2008

Airlines @ 02:07 pm

Current Mood: tired

After the craziness of landing in, and then leaving, Houston, coming home was a breeze. Flights left on time. I saw the MISSISSIPPI!!! It's FREAKING HUGE!!!

The first leg to Houston, I managed to not grab my boarding pass for the second leg and I'd already gone through security, so I asked at the desk at the gate. They printed one out for me, and then they called me back up to the desk and asked if I woudln't mind changing seats to allow a family of six to be together.

I had wanted to move, actually, so I could be on the right side of the plane and thus have better control over my poor shoulder and what it got subjected to. I ended up in row six (which is technically row four) and there was no one in the middle seat next to me! And the window area was concave and gave me more room for my shoulder. Score.

Second leg, my seat didn't change, but again, no one in the seat next to me! Score again! the only bad thing was that the light at the end of the wing shone right in my eyes so I had to lower the shade a bit, but I spotted the Las Vegas Strip from the air. You can't miss that shape and how BRIGHT it was. One lone white light shone out; I assume it was the Luxor. :) We were really up high, but it was very obvious that was Vegas.

The backpack wearing was AWESOME. It worked out so well. My Torino pin survived the whole trip on the backpack, too.

Got to spend a bunch of time with [info]sc_fossil at BWI as we were in the same concourse, but vastly, VASTLY different gates. She got to hear me talk to Roy on the phone, lol, and we both ate and yakked and yakked and yakked....we can talk, can't we? LOL

But it's good to be home, children fussing notwithstanding. And my luggage beat me here, lol, but at least it was here, with all those zines.
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True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary