A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - Potential idea for my next tattoo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Potential idea for my next tattoo [May. 18th, 2009|12:46 am]
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[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Children of Bodom - Sixpounder]

I wanted to go relatively simple for my next tat, since my last three have been a little more on the complex side, in terms of design, colors, shading, or whatever else. So I'm going with text. My three possibilites, at the moment, are:

"There's nothing worth having that comes without the risk. Sometimes, it's not important which way you jump, just that you jump"
- Choke, by Chuck Pahlaniuk

"This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time"
-Fight Club, Same author

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything"
-Fight Club

All three of those hold personal meaning to me, so I think  I might wind up getting all three eventually. Any suggestions on which to get first?

I'm gonna do a post on the meanings of my tattoos... probably tomorrow. But for now, I need ideas.

From: [info]archangel
2009-05-18 07:33 am (UTC)


the last one.

that really speaks to me as well, and it's just such a statement about being human.

man, that's going to be a deep tattoo :p
[User Picture]From: [info]freebird
2009-05-18 10:27 pm (UTC)


i agree, i think you should do the last one first. :]
From: [info]nightoverture
2009-05-20 10:05 pm (UTC)


i like the 2nd