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[Jun. 30th, 2009|01:37 am]
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[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Beastie Boys - Shake Your Rump]

Watching Pulp Fiction high is fucking AWESOME.

Real update eventually. I'm slipping into a wonderful state of apathy.

Heading down to the Jersey Shore to visit Andrew on Wednesday. Very excited, but I gotta make it through work tomorrow first. Awesome.

From: (Anonymous)
2011-08-29 11:36 am (UTC)



Good to see a tlanet at work. I can't match that.
From: (Anonymous)
2011-08-30 05:31 am (UTC)



IRSYYk vearfoiusrxa (http://vearfoiusrxa.com/)
From: (Anonymous)
2011-08-30 09:24 am (UTC)



oEIDVg , [url=http://etruxfbjreib.com/]etruxfbjreib[/url], [link=http://xxqmsisccpxg.com/]xxqmsisccpxg[/link], http://ihhijaqkxkcj.com/