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she's convinced she could hold back a glacier - tableaday, Whimper
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tableaday, Whimper
Title: midnight watch
Day/Theme: whimper
Series: Chronicles of Narnia
Character/Pairing: Susan/Caspian
Rating: PG13

Somewhere deep in the night one of the animals woke her; whimpering in its sleep, a stirring furred shape that lapsed quickly into slumber once more but left her painfully alert.

And it took her only a second to pick him out, a dark shape crouched in front of the fire; his hair fell over his face, shoulders curved forward, fingers interlaced. When she sat up a cloak fell free of her body where someone had carefully draped it to keep her warm; she gathered it in her hands and lifted it to her face, breathing him in; the scent of metal, and sweat, and the warm spice of his body.

When she looked up she met his eyes; his were wide and dark, dancing with light, and they both paused for an excruciatingly awkward moment as a flush started high on his cheekbones.

"This is--yours?" She asked, even though she was certain of the answer.

"You looked chilled," he said quietly, something that might have been apology hovering in his tone.

"Thank you," she said, and he managed a courtly approximation of a bow even in a crouch.

That made her smile; she gathered her legs under her and stood, skirting sleeping bodies to join him at the fire and offer it to him. "If you--"

"Keep it," he said, quiet and unreadable. "Let it warm you. It is the least I can offer."

Susan drew in a deep, unsteady breath, released it. In Narnia she was familiar with rules concerning the giving of gifts, an intricate layer of protocol and unspoken messages--but he was a Telmarine prince, unfamiliar with their customs, and in any case who was to say she would have refused him had it been properly presented?

She drew it close around her shoulders instead, and now had an excuse, in the form of the cave's chill, to pull it close and breath him in. "Thank you," she murmured, again, and sank to her knees beside him to keep the long night's vigil.

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From: (Anonymous) Date: December 11th, 2008 08:54 pm (UTC) (Link)
He is the most chivalrous prince ever. Why can't I have one?? By the wayy, I think you totally captured his characterization, especially his speech. He doesn't ramble, but what words he does say carry a lot.
shiegra From: [info]shiegra Date: December 11th, 2008 11:33 pm (UTC) (Link)
Thank you so much! I've been worried about his characterization.
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