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she's convinced she could hold back a glacier -
The Great Cat
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Title: Midnight
Day/Theme: 4. Sob
Series: Chronicles of Narnia
Character/Pairing: Susan/Caspian
Rating: PG13

It was hardest during the days when she would have given anything for Lucy to be there to tell her stories of a land she firmly maintained was imaginary; when she would have sacrificed anything to see Edmund's aggravated look, or hear Peter's slow sigh.

Those days she spent curled in bed, her whole heart a raw wound, her face buried in a pillow as she struggled not to cry until her eyes swelled and her throat hurt from strangling sobs.

Those days she felt most lost and utterly alone; those days she held the chill disconnect of winter deep in the pit of her belly, and dreamed uneasy dreams of a White Witch with mad hungry eyes--was this the reason for her hunger and her cruelty this inability to care when all is lost--dizzy, chilled and yet fever dreams of what she didn't believe in anymore.

She found it hard to rise. She was sick inside with pain.

It was during her darkest night, when she thought her heart might simply stop, that she dreamed of something else.

A slow, soft touch--trailing over her shoulder, down the curve of her spine, over her hip. Not quite chaste but not intrusive; perhaps wanting but reserved, reaching out only for comfort.

And in the gentle breathless quiet of those moments she thought she heard her family's voices somewhere far away, and when the tears slipped out of her like blood cleaning a wound, the touch pressed over her belly, melting that pit of ice and flushing her with heat, and someone said her name, gentle and low in a dark-velvet voice with the quiet purr of an accent.

It was the first night she truly slept after the train crash.

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Back February 2009
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